Learn, Develop & Grow

Training to develop the skills you need to win more business
Elevate Individual and Team Performance
Equip your team to compete and win


'Upskilling'  has been No.2 Googled L&D term  


Sales Training has been in the top 10


L&D Pros endorse upskilling over hiring

Skills Training Works

People with vocational qualifications and skills based work training are more technically adept, productive, efficient, adaptable, proactive and innovative. A winning team is a skilful, well trained team.

01. Social Value Demystified

Social Value is a key element in every Government procurement exercise accounting for at least 10% of the points available.

Dress down Fridays for a local charity don't cut it, but what does?

Our 'Practical Guide to Social Value in Public Sector Procurement' workshop (snappy title eh?) delivered by the excellent and accomplished Social Value expert, Sarah Hinchliffe CPP APMP Fellow will demystify Social Value for you and your team, giving you practical advice and guidance to effectively meet the challenge.

02. Bids & Proposals

Our bid management training covers so much more than how to write winning answers to the quality questions in a bid.

We cover everything from opportunity management right through to the handover of a successful bid to the ops team that is tasked with delivery.

Winning a bid is always a team effort, and we help you bridge the gaps between sales, bid and operational management to deliver the results that meet your targets.

03. Work Winning Training

Working with industry experts in winning business, we offer you a comprehensive range of training packages designed to help you to find, develop and win new contracts and opportunities.

Our Sales, Capture and Opportunity Management, Key Account Management CRM and Contract Management training packages are all finely tuned to deliver what we know will work, based on years of hands-on experience, developing and using the techniques that we share with you.

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“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Training & Development

We work with delivery partners that are specialists in their discipline and wherever appropriate or available, accredited to an independent authority.

Some of our work is innovative and the first of its kind, such as the Social Value workshop we launched this month. In these cases, there is no relevant accreditation that we can seek.

In circumstances such as these, we identify course leaders and developers with impeccable credentials and experience.

All our learning is available online or in person, some of our training, Bid Writing for instance, is accessible in a remote learning format, so that you can learn and progress at your own pace

We work hard to keep our training current and relevant and we regularly review content and format to ensure that our clients receive the most relevant and current instruction.

If your business has developmental needs that don't exactly align with our course content then we are agile and flexible in our approach and can work with you to develop a bespoke training package in your chosen format.

Course pricing is very client dependent and a bespoke proposal is offered for every request for training and evelopment support

For one-off workshops and courses a 25% deposit is required to confirm a booking with the full balance payable within 7 days of course completion.

Remote, self-paced learning courses have a number of subscription models with payment in advance incentivised

Course cancellation fees apply.

Get started with Maxim Growth Bid Writing

Experts in writing quality bid responses
Minimise the risk of missing winnable tender opportunities
Transparent, scalable pricing options
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