Bid Readiness

Want to compete for Public Sector Contracts?
Learn what buyers expect and what it takes to win
Get your business 'Bid Ready' in three simple steps

£393 billion

gross public sector spend in FY23


target award to SMEs


of tenders receive just a single response

Everyone has targets, don't miss yours

The Government wants to award 33% of its procurement budget to small business but participation levels are dropping.

Start competing to win public sector contracts with Maxim Growth.

01. Discovery

We offer a three-stage bid readiness programme.

The initial discovery call is all about learning what it takes to win public sector contracts and includes a live search of current and recent contract opportunities.

You will understand the size and scale of the market available to you, and will be able to make an informed decision on your GTM strategy in public sector procurement.

02. Development

Stage two is all about getting you ready to bid.

We define your target market, we drill down in to the criteria that you'll be expected to meet and we review every relevant aspect of your capacity and capability to deliver a winning submission.

At the end of this stage you will be ready and confident in starting to bid or you will have a plan to follow to get you ready to start bidding

03. Delivery

The optional third stage involves our team of experts working with you to fill any gaps preventing you from becoming 'Bid Ready'.

This can involve training, advice or actual hands on creation of resources and the materiel that you need to have in place to be able to proceed

This stage is entirely bespoke and aligned with your needs.

Book a call
"If it be now,'tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come: the readiness is all.”
William Shakespeare

Bid Readiness with Maxim Growth

The public sector is risk averse and asks a lot of questions about your business before they will award you a contract.

Becoming 'Bid Ready' is an exercise in preparation and planning

Firstly, It involves being prepared for all the straightforward pass/fail questions, but equally important is your readiness to answer some tough questions such as; how you work, how you handle adversity and how you will mobilise if you are successful.

Committing to compete for and to win public sector contracts is a big decision and it requires buy-in at a senior level. Your whole organisation needs to be 'Bid Ready', even down to having access to the SLT when it comes to sign off and submission

The UK Government has a long standing commitment to broadening participation in public sector contracts, including a hard target of 33% particpation by SME's.

Anyone can win a Government contract, but not everyone will.

A key element of our Bid Readiness support is advice and guidance on what is winnable now, what may be winnable in the future,  what barriers need to be overcome and what it will take to get you past them

Even if you haven't been successful in the past, there will be steps you can take to improve your chances of winning in future and our experts will help you to take those steps.

First time bidders benefit most from our full scope 'Bid Readiness' programme.

For first-timers, we review your business against all the normal requirements of a Supplier Questionnaire in your sector, identifying any gaps and recommending remedial action where appropriate.

For both new and experienced bidders looking to improve, we review a selection of typical and relevant questions and work with you to either review past responses or assess your ability to provide a high quality response, as appropriate.

The initial 30 minute call to discuss your plans, ambitions and experience to date is free

The next stage depends on you, we offer a range of support services, including workshops, 1-2-1 consultations, training and even hands-on support to create the necessary resources for you to reach a condition of 'Bid Readiness'.

Fees are agreed on a case by case fixed fee basis.

Competing for public sector contracts takes effort and commitment but by getting 'Bid Ready' with Maxim Growth you put yourself in the best position possible to start winning

Get started with Maxim Growth Bid Writing

Experts in writing quality bid responses
Minimise the risk of missing winnable tender opportunities
Transparent, scalable pricing options
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