Win more business with expert bid writing

Add capacity, and compete for more winnable contracts
Add capability, broaden your skills base, improve your win rates
Build your pipeline and cut your cost of sales

£393 billion

gross public sector spend in FY23


target award to SMEs


of tenders receive just a single response

Elevate 'Good' to 'Great'

A competitive bid tells a great story, a winning bid inspires confidence and almost compels the buyer to award your organisation. You don't win by accident, you win by design, hard work, talent and skill.

01. We learn about you

We don't win the bid, you do, but we can give your bid the best chance by getting to know you and understanding your business.  

Onboarding involves getting to know your strengths, identifying potential weaknesses and sharing where there is room for improvement.

Knowing how best to support you, we can deploy effectively to help you to  achieve your work-winning goals.

02. We work with your team

Crafting a winning bid is a team effort.

Our bid writers are experienced in drawing out the very best; from you, your colleagues, and your Subject Matter Experts (SME's), creating the response that gives you the best possible chance of success.

We can lead the whole bid process or we can support your in-house bid lead.

Giving you what you need to succeed

03. We work in partnership

Decades of success in winning contracts have taught us what it takes to win a bid.

We bring those hard-won skills, knowledge and experience to work for you.

And, we'll be straight with you, we don't just work for a fee, job done and move on. We work to build a relationship, and that involves trust, and honesty.

We know what works and what doesn't and we won't waste your time or money chasing rainbows.

Book a call
"Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of their life, every quality of their mind is written large in their works"
Virginia Woolf

Bid Writing with Maxim Growth

Bids can be like buses; none for ages, then three come along at once.

Nothing is more frustrating than having to choose which one of three perfectly winnable opportunities to pursue, because of a short-term lack of capacity in the bid writing function.

Engaging Maxim for bid support can bridge that gap, and relieve pressure on your in-house team.

We can also help if your need for expert bid support is more periodic or occasional. Help when you need it, no overheads to bear when you don't!

Our Bid Writers are committed bid and proposal professionals with a wealth of experience and knowledge of what it takes to develop a winning bid.

You are experts in what you do and we are experts in writing the quality response to the tender that will give you the best chance of winning the contract.

Our job is to ensure that the responses submitted hit the mark and secure the maximum possible score.

A winning bid is a collaborative effort, but there are elements of any bid that will sit firmly with you

Determining the price - this sits with you as only you will know and understand your pricing model and what makes for a competitive bid in your market.

Developing the technical response: the technical response to the quality questions will require time, resources and commitment from your Subject Matter Expert(s) to work with our writer(s).

Finally and no surprise here, this is your bid and as such you need to set time aside to read, review and ultimately submit the bid to the buyer, don't leave this to the last minute!

There is no simple answer to this question, there are so many factors at play.

These include your bid readiness, the timing and scale of the opportunity and the length and complexity of the response required.

You can also choose to instruct us to manage and deliver the whole bid, or just key elements and questions.

Identify an opportunity and share it with us, we'll review in detail and agree a fee with you in advance of starting work

Ask us about our innovative pricing options that can manage you cost of sales, scale with you and even share the risk.

Get started with Maxim Growth Bid Writing

Experts in writing quality bid responses
Minimise the risk of missing winnable tender opportunities
Transparent, scalable pricing options
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